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My Cousin Vinny (1992)

Genre: Comedy/Crime/Drama

Starring: Joe Pesci, Ralph Macchio, Marisa Tomei, Mitchell Whitfield, Fred Gwynne, Lane Smith, Bruce McGill

So what is the most absurd thing for which you can get possibly arrested? Bill Gambini (Macchio) and Stan (Whitfield) are two friends who are on a road trip and stop by at a convenience store in Alabama. Bill forgets to pay for a can of tuna and drives off, only to realise later. Stan starts getting extremely worried and fears arrest and prosecution which Bill does not agree with. Much to both their surprise, they do get pulled over and are shocked to find that it is not just tuna but murder. The store keeper was shot soon after they left the store and the two are prime suspects in the case. Being in Alabama and fearing the harshest of judgements, Bill calls his cousin, who is a New York lawyer, to represent them. Vinny (Pesci) has failed his bar exam 6 times, never been to court, been practicing for 6 months, deals only in personal injury cases and seems to know nothing about the law. His girlfriend, Mona Lisa Vito (Tomei) has accompanied him on the trip and seems to know more than Vinny on what should be done at court. With the prosecution throwing evidence after evidence and Vinny not being able to do anything, the chances of acquittal for Stan and Bill seem to be bleak. Although the movie has a very stereotyped story, it is funny and different. It is not the slap stick stupidity of Jim Carrey but is the more sensible and laughable humour. Although the humour is not in abundance, it is still enough to make you laugh hard. Pesci and Tomei have put on a good performance and special credit needs to go to Tomei, especially for her accent.

Thumbs up: Marisa Tomei, good entertainer
Thumbs down: Should have had a bit more jokes

Rating: 6.8/10